Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Online personal training ? a review - Diet Schmiet

Just over a month ago I was contacted by Amino Z and offered one month of free online personal training.

I?ve just finished the month-long trial and have to say:


Although I?ve done programs like Michelle Bridges 12WBT, I really had no idea what to expect from an online personal trainer (PT). But? as I?m not one for Rah-Rah PTs or Commando-like PTs (unless they look like the one on Aussie TV, and they?re not actually training me!) online training was hugely beneficial.

Amino Z assigned me a trainer and I completed a questionnaire and then had the opportunity to do some toing and froing before my program started. Anyone who reads this blog knows I can be fairly blunt and I know what I do and don?t like. Not only did I have to provide details of my current training and fitness regime (which was basically non-existent following my seachange and subsequent illness) but also my diet (as in what I eat). It also allowed me to be honest about my bingeing behaviour and the fact I?m trying to not-diet.

I really appreciated that my trainer listened to all of that and ? as I mentioned in an earlier post ? the strength program he set for me was VERY doable. He was happy for me to continue with Zumba and walking and very zen about ?just doing SOMETHING?. Diet-wise, he gave me suggestions about the amounts of carbohydrates I should be eating and recommended I reduce my consumption of diet coke and wine.

My only hiccup with the program came just after a week or so when my original trainer left the company and I was allocated someone new. My new trainer was actually the PT boss, so knew what he was doing, but I struggled a little with the changeover. My new trainer, Jay, also asked me to re-weigh myself and ? as I?d actually gained a bit of weight ? I teetered on the edge of the wagon for a little while. (I did have to confess that I?d had a lot of diet coke and weighed myself later in the day. I KNEW I shouldn?t have gotten on the scale at that point? and it was almost my undoing!)

However? at that time I?d lost centimetres from my waist and when I explained my ?issue with the scale? to Jay, he was fine with me sticking to waist measurements.

After being given an initial exercise regime and suggested meal plan (based on the one I provided) all I had to do was check-in twice weekly providing a food log and exercise log. Jay then offered suggestions and tweaked my program each week. Personalised private forums also meant that I could ?share? stuff with my trainer about how I was tracking or what I was struggling with.

For me? the positives of online training include:
1. No dread factor. Years ago I had a PT who expected me to train like The Biggest Loser contestants and be capable of climbing 500 steps and run from Day 1. Needless to say I didn?t last long.

2. The buck stops with me. Ultimately I?m accountable only to myself. There?s no point in fibbing in my exercise or food logs cos it?s me I?m harming. But most importantly, I cannot rely on someone else to motivate me to train hard or address my health and fitness. To be sustainable, the impetus has to come from me. Ultimately I?m harder on myself that anyone else could be and so ? within my fitness parameters ? I will push myself as much as I can.

Screen shot 2013-06-25 at 12.24.57 PM3. If the PT is good they will recognise your strengths and weaknesses and work with them. It wasn?t long before something I already knew was reaffirmed ? I hate exercising by myself. I don?t mind walking but when it comes to other stuff I?m a class-going girl. I very quickly struggled with the weight sessions I was supposed to do and recognised that I needed a Pump / weights class or similar.

4. It?s more personalised than a large program without an allocated PT. As I?ve done other programs, I can recognise that ?checking-in? with someone who tweaks your program each week and offers encouragement, is hugely beneficial.

5. It?s more flexible than having to see a in-real-life PT at a set time each week. You can fit your exercise into your schedule, making it more sustainable.

Of course there are negatives:
1. If you?re not able to self-motivate you will struggle.

2. You can lie. To yourself and your trainer. If you like.

3. Keeping food and exercise logs can be difficult or time-consuming.

4. Any online program or PT needs to know what they?re talking about. The Amino Z trainers were great: very professional and knew their stuff; but as importantly they were encouraging, flexible and realistic. I was very open about the fact that I probably couldn?t afford to continue the training but my PT ensured that I finished my month with a strategy to move forward.

I?ve come a long way in the last four weeks.

  • I?m Zumba-ing twice weekly, including one ?normal? (harder) session.
  • I?ve cut back on my alcohol consumption and (again) completely cut out diet coke (it?s day 5!).
  • I?ve agreed to incorporate ?fruit? into my diet and am aiming for an apple each day. (And occasionally a small amount of diluted OJ, which has replaced my morning diet coke!)
  • I?ve reduced the amount of carbohydrates I?m eating.
  • I?m drinking more water (something at which I once excelled but diminished as my diet coke intake increased).
  • When I can afford it, getting to Pump classes will be a priority.
  • I?ve started yoga (but more on that in another post!).
  • I?m feeling ?better? ? more supple and agile ? and slowly getting fitter. Again.
  • I?ve lost 6cm from my waist!

All in all, an excellent month. Thanks to Amino Z and my trainers, Paul and Jay!

Do you have a PT?
Have you tried online personal training, or an online fitness program?

I was provided with a month of free personal training by Amino Z. There has been no compensation or other incentive offered to write a favorable review. All opinions expressed in this space are mine, written with the objective of giving readers my personal opinion of the program.

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Source: http://www.dietschmiet.me/personal-training-virtually-a-review/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=personal-training-virtually-a-review

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