Friday, July 12, 2013

DataStreams Strengthens Networks with Major Chinese Corporations

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Thursday, July 11th, 2013

SEOUL, KOREA - Lee Young-Sang, the CEO of DataStreams and the honorary president of the Korea Software Enterprise Association (KOSEA), has brought various activities to enter the global market. Mr. Lee was the first Korean to establish a Korean pavilion at the 2013 International Soft China. The pavilion not only played an important role in introducing the excellence of Korean software, but also built cooperative partnerships among the Chinese government, the Korean government, the China Software Industry Association, and KOSEA.


Lee Young-Sang makes a presentation at the council of CSIA

Cho So-Bum, the chief director of the the China Software Industry Association (CSIA), accepted the keynote announcement request when he participated in the first half of 2013 software industry trend conference, sponsored by KOSEA and NIPA. CSIA is a credible organization that is in charge of credit assessment for all corporations in China and also controls software associations. A close partnership with CSIA leads to opportunities to build partnerships with major Chinese SW companies. During the conference, Mr. Cho made a presentation on the ?current state and prospects of the Chinese SW industry.? He also signed the MOU with KOSEA, sponsored by KOTRA, an agreement that both associations to share capabilities and promotes SW development for both countries.

CSIA invited Mr. Lee to its council held last July 4th in Dalian, China, to thank him for his support for these performances. The council opens twice a year, and its members consist of CEOs of major corporations in China. Neusoft, a Chinese SI company, sponsored the council this year. Mr. Lee announced ?Prospect of Korea SW Development" at the council, a move that will help Chinese SW companies to better understand the Korean SW industry.

Mr. Lee says that all these activities not only help DataStreams establish a networking channel to enter the China market, but also lead Chinese SW companies to build and maintain cooperative relationships with Korean SW companies by introducing Korean companies and their excellence.

DataStreams is a specialized company in the nation?s only total data management service, possessing data integration and data quality related technology, and the company has been expanding into data warehouse (DW) and business intelligence (BI) sector industry. It was appointed by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy as the Advanced Technology center (ATC) in 2011.


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